
Making New Memories with S’mores

A few GW Study Abroad Olympics students visited the Canada House and indulged in creating s’mores on the outdoor patio!! This activity was nostalgic for many of us, something we enjoyed doing in the past but haven’t done recently. It was an interesting experience to partake in a familiar activity provided by different country. Perhaps this event reminded us that folks from different countries can share share common cultural bonds, even if its not apparent at first.

smores fire

While roasting marshmallows at Canada House, the we began chatting with a few Canadians, sharing origin stories, our roles at the Olympics, and how the Games can be improved moving forward. Our initial desire to relive a childhood activity (and fill up with lots of sugar!) ended up being a mechanism to facilitate discussion with new friends and make new memories. Partaking in cultural activities, realizing that we share a common threads, and making new friends is also what makes the Olympic Games a unique, memorable event. #olympics #smores #canadahouse #pyeongchang2018 #memories

making s'more at a campfire

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