
Five Things I am Looking Forward to at the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics!

In three days, I will be getting ready to board my flight to Paris. I first learned about the opportunity to go to the Olympics over a year ago in my first Tourism and Hospitality course at GW. I never imagined I would actually get the chance to go but I am so thankful I decided to apply! This opportunity is a dream come true and I cannot wait for the growth this experience will bring to my professional and academic life. 

In preparation for the trip, I have made a list of a few of the many events that I am looking forward to attending. Here are five things that I am looking forward to in Paris:

  1. Attending the Beach Volleyball Event 

I finally purchased tickets to what will be my first Olympic sporting event. I chose to attend a beach volleyball match after seeing the stadium location in an official Olympics TikTok. The beach volleyball events will take place at the Eiffel Tower Stadium–a temporary stadium set up on the Champ de Mars with an amazing view of the Eiffel Tower.

  1. Volunteering at SponsorshipX Paris

I am looking forward to the opportunity to volunteer and attend the SponsorshipX events. I can’t wait to see Canada House and hear from the Speakers, many of whom are from TOP sponsorships we have been learning about in our class.

  1. Exploring the City of Paris 

This will be my first time in Paris and I am incredibly excited to explore the city. I am hoping to visit several museums, especially Musee Rodin since I’ve learned a lot about his works in my art history classes. I also want to shop for some souvenirs and try the local cuisine. I am slowly making a list of things I want to do in my free time and cannot wait to experience the city for the first time!

  1. Going to Champions Park

I hope to have some time to go to Champions Park and experience the concept for the Park which involves celebrating the previous day’s medal winners. I am interested in seeing how this will work with such large crowds and expecting 13,000 people a day. 

  1. Meeting New People

On this trip, I am really looking forward to all the amazing networking opportunities. We will be conducting a survey with people attending the Olympics which will push me out of my comfort zone to meet new people. I am also very excited to get to know everyone else on the trip and share this incredible experience!

Eiffel Tower Stadium where the Beach Volleyball Event will occur
The Eiffel Tower Stadium where the Beach Volleyball Event will be Hosted

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