
Countdown to Paris 2024: Pre-Departure Thoughts

Since I was a small kid, I have watched the Olympics on TV. It was incredible to see athletes reaching their goals and fulfilling their dreams with all the emotions involved. I have a core memory of the German weight-lifting champion Matthias Steiner, who was in Beijing in 2008. After his last successful attempt and after realizing he had won the gold medal, he broke down in tears and pulled out a photo of his late wife, who sadly passed away a year earlier. This was one of the moments where I realized that the Olympic Games are not only about sports but about so much more.

When I saw the application for this class about Paris 2024 during the spring semester, I knew I had to take a chance and apply for it. After some weeks of waiting, I received the confirmation of being accepted to this program, and even though I am leaving for Paris in three days, it still has not sunk in. I expect that once I am in Paris, it will still feel surreal, and there will be some moments where I will have to pinch myself to ensure I am not dreaming. As an athlete, the chance to be on-site in Paris in 2024 and receive a view behind the scenes of the most historic sports event in the world feels incredible. 

logo of Paris 2024 with the Eiffel Tower as the iconic landmark of the city in the back.

By volunteering at the USA house and the Canada house, I am excited to contribute a small part to make the Olympics an unforgettable experience for the athletes, their families, friends, and all the other supporters. This is the sports event many athletes have dreamed of since their childhood, and they work hard day in and day out with many ups and downs on the way. The slogan of Paris 2024, ‘Games Wide Open,’ respects all the sacrifices everyone made on their journey and shows that every athlete, regardless of origin or country, deserves equal respect for their performances.

As I pack my suitcase for my departure on Thursday, I am beyond grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and look forward to making incredible memories with my classmates and professors, which I can still tell many stories about in the future. 

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