
This Week’s Highlight: Hospitality Houses

The Olympic Closing Ceremony is approaching fast, and the past week has flown by. From our inspiring guest speakers to visiting countries’ hospitality houses, I understand the Olympic Movement more and more every day. I have explored the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Columbia, Switzerland, and France hospitality houses. Each house displays cultural features that make guests from those countries feel at home. They stream events from their own broadcasts to tailor the focus on games to their customers.

One of my favorite parts about volunteering at the USA House is listening to the guests cheer on competing athletes. To hear the roars of applause and watching people high-five each other tells a story about what the Olympics does. The other is watching current and past athletes take pictures and share stories. The generations of athletes who have all experienced different games are eye-opening to see in a social context instead of competition.

The Netherlands House knows how to have the most fun for watching their athletes. Hundreds of stadium seats filled the watch room for guests to party and cheer in. The focus of their hospitality was entertainment. Loud music and stage events made watching the Dutch athletes more fun.

Casa Columbia group picture with one of the house’s directors

Casa Columbia was full of culture and life. The food, concerts, and people created an unforgettable energy. My pollo asado with broccoli, corn, and potatoes was one of my favorite meals ever. We were fortunate to be given a tour of the house, a sample of properly made Columbian coffee, and an outdoor concert. Shout out to Daniela for making that experience happen!

Club France’s outdoor area

Club France was the optimal host city hospitality house based on scale and energy. The inside portion of the house was full of activities, food, and drinks. Meanwhile, the outdoor portion looked like a music festival. An enormous crowd filled the area and faced a large screen playing the French broadcast.

The hospitality houses host athletes, sponsors, events, and the public. They are a significant representation of the Olympic Movement. They are a space for people to visit a house represented by their home country and a space for people to learn about different cultures they have never visited. The houses provided an opportunity to experience many cultures within a small distance from one another.

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