
Closing thoughts

As I prepare to leave this beautiful city, I find myself with a mixed feeling of fulfillment, gratitude, and nostalgia while reflecting on this incredible journey. The past few weeks have been truly extraordinary for me.The Olympics have been nothing short of a celebration of unity and excellence. From the innovative opening ceremony to the intense competitions, every event has highlighted the power of sports to unite people from all walks of life. Being able to witness athletes from every corner of the world compete at the highest level, not only showcasing their physical abilities but also their dedication, sportsmanship, and mutual respect. 

This trip has also been a profound journey of my perspective on the sports industry. Having the chance to listen to the stories and insights from the industry leaders and being able to talk, exchanging ideas with them was truly special. They’ve underscored the importance of setting ambitious goals, pushing past limits, and remaining resilient in the face of challenges. Meanwhile, understanding how many people from each corner of the world in this industry put their dedication and hard work just for the Games has inspired me in ways I never anticipated. The stories of perseverance, the triumphs, and even the obstacles they have faced in this industry left a lasting impact on me. I leave Paris with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation, eager to apply the lessons I’ve learned here to my future career.

Paris itself has played an essential role in making my Olympics experience unforgettable. The city’s unique charm, rich history, and vibrant culture have added a special dimension to the Games. Whether walking through the streets of Montmartre, or cruising on the Seine, this city has been a perfect place for this global celebration. 

Lastly but most importantly, I want to say thank you to Lisa, Terrance, and Dr. Neirotti for this precious experience they created and the connections they shared with the rest of the class. Without their effort and expertise, I won’t be able to have a deep understanding of the Olympic movement and the sports industry behind the scenes. The memories I’ve made here will stay with me forever, and I know I’ll always look back on this trip with deep appreciation.

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