
La fin de mon voyage à Paris – Chanyoung in Paris

The end of my journey in Paris filled me with deep regret. However, amidst reflecting back, some extraordinary meetings led to introspection. The enchanting moments embedded in the fabric of Parisian life went beyond mere sightseeing. Two specific encounters sparked a profound reflection on my identity. These events highlighted how unexpected meetings can be transformative, leading me to reconsider my lifestyle and relationships.

A memorable experience I had was when I unexpectedly met Korean fencing gold medalists while dining at a restaurant on my way to a speaking engagement with friends. Initially surprised, the photographer jokingly mentioned that he was a YouTube filmmaker, a playful comment that ended up being featured on national Korean broadcasting stations. This chance encounter not only introduced me to famous athletes but also gave me a precious keepsake – a small Korean pin that holds great sentimental value, symbolizing my connection to Korea.

The second significant experience that deeply resonated with me was when I was introduced to Water Polo, a sport by a friend during my exchange program at Georgetown University in 2017. Initially unfamiliar with it, Water Polo gradually grew on me and captured my heart over time. Despite its limited recognition in Korea, I silently remained devoted to the sport even after returning home, keeping track of its progress from a distance. Sadly, my friend, who introduced me to Water Polo, passed away in an untimely accident three years ago. This loss stirred a mix of regret and appreciation, intensifying my love for the sport. While in Paris, unexpectedly encountering Water Polo players stirred strong emotions within me. The depth of that moment was beyond words, and the exchanged pin became a poignant memento, vividly etching that memory into my mind.

The moments I experienced in Paris were truly special, prompting me to reflect on my life beyond mere travel. Interactions with individuals I met during this journey not only left a lasting impact on them but also intertwined their stories with mine, sparking profound contemplation. Encountering fencing gold medalists with them rekindled memories of my Korean roots and reconnected me with forgotten friends, underscoring the value of human connections absent from my life. The significance of the small pin they gifted me transcends its physical form, serving as a meaningful symbol for my future.

This trip also evoked deep reflections on my water polo connection. Memories of enjoying Waterpolo with a friend who is no longer with us became more poignant during this trip. Meeting Waterpolo players unexpectedly in Paris stirred not only surprise and joy but also a sense of longing and gratitude for my friend. The photos and USA waterpolo pin became a cherished memento, preserving the emotions of that moment forever. Through this journey, I rediscovered how past memories resonate in the present, shaping my life in profound ways.

These encounters serve as valuable lessons that will guide me in my future endeavors. I am mindful of the significance of nurturing meaningful relationships, recognizing that chance meetings and occurrences can profoundly influence our paths. Moreover, I will hold dear the emotions of gratitude, remorse, and encouragement that have enriched my journey, aiming for a positive trajectory. Looking ahead, I will not overlook the wisdom garnered from these unique experiences and vow to steer my life toward greater purpose and fulfillment.